Table of Contents

  1. Split Allele Database
  2. Inputs
  3. Running the Script
  4. Usage
  5. Outputs

Split Allele Database

This script splits a single allele database file into multiple files; one sequence per file.


  1. Allele database file.

Running the Script allele_split -q /path/to/query_folder -o /path/to_output_folder

An example with the query files in the query folder, and the desired outputs in the split_alleles folder (all in the current working directory).


usage: allele_split [-h] [-version] [-v verbosity] [-q query_path]
                            [-o output_path]

Split combined allele files into individual files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -version, --version   show program's version number and exit
  -v verbosity, --verbosity verbosity
                        Set the logging level. Options are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Default is info.
  -q query_path, --query_path query_path
                        Specify name and path of folder containing query files in FASTA format. If not provided, the query folder in the current working directory will be used
  -o output_path, --output_path output_path
                        Specify name and path of folder into which the split allele files are to be written. If not provided, the split_alleles folder in the current working directory will be used


The provided output folder will contain all sequences in the provided database files, one per file.

Additional information regarding this functionality is available in the allele_split documentation.