Create a new page
Ensure that the repository is up-to-date:
if you don't have a local copy of the repositoty, clone a fresh version using
git clone
or update an existing copy with
git pull origin master
from within the repository
Open redmine-docs/mkdocs.yml
in the redmine-docs repository with your favourite text editor
Decide where you wish to place the new page
if you want a new analysis, update the file with the desired name and location of the analysis
- e.g. if you want to add SISTR, include the following line
- 'SISTR': 'analysis/'
(make sure you following the spacing conventions, and that the list is still alphabetical) to the 'Analysis' category
- e.g. if you want to add SISTR, include the following line
Create an empty markdown file in the location specified in mkdocs.yml - the files are in the docs
folder, so, in the above example, you would need to create docs/analysis/
in the redmine-docs repository (I usually use touch
to accomplish this: touch docs/analysis/
if I'm in the root of the repository)