What does it do?

The eCGF automator performs in silico CGF subtyping of Campylobacter using whole-genome sequence data in FASTA format

Check out the source code: github

How do I use it?


In the Subject field, put eCGF. Spelling counts, but case sensitivity does not.


All you need to put in the description is a list of SEQIDs you want to process, one per line.


For an example eCGF analysis, see issue 16196.

Interpreting Results

ECTyper will output a summary report, ISSUE_NUMBER_summary_report.csv that should look something like the following excerpt:

Genes 11168_cj0008 11168_cj0033 11168_cj0035 ... Nearest Match Number of Similarities (/40) ...
2018-LET-0106 0 0 1 ... 27_3_4 40 ...
2018-LET-0012 0 0 1 ... 926_2_1 40 ...

How long does it take?

eCGF is pretty fast - expect it to take a few seconds per genome you give it.

What can go wrong?

  1. Requested SEQIDs are not available. If we can't find some of the SEQIDs that you request, you will get a warning message informing you of it.
  2. ?